"A decade of rotavirus vaccination in Africa - Saving lives and changing the face of diarrhoeal disease"
The 12th African Rotavirus Symposium (ARS) will be hosted in Johannesburg, South Africa, from 30th July 2019 to the 1st August 2019, in partnership with the South African Medical Research Council. The 12th ARS will be held in South Africa to coincide with the 20th Anniversary of the African Rotavirus Network and the 50th Anniversary of the South African Medical Research Council. This highly sought-after event, organised under the auspices of the African Rotavirus Network (AfrRN), has over the years grown from a half-day symposium to now a 3-day global event as it continues to shape the agenda of rotavirus research and prevention globally, attracting key international opinion leaders in diarrheal diseases. The AfrRN is a regional network of institutions conducting research on paediatric diarrhoeal diseases in collaboration with the World Health Organisation African Regional Office (WHO AFRO), Ministries of Health and other partners.
Report on the 12th African Rotavirus Symposium 2019
A decade of rotavirus vaccination in Africa - Saving lives and changing the face of diarrhoeal diseases: Report of the 12th African Rotavirus Symposium. M. Jeffrey Mphahlele a,b,⇑, Michelle J. Groome c, Nicola A. Page d, Niresh Bhagwandin e, Jason M. Mwenda f, A. Duncan Steele
Symposium official language is English
Abstract submission
Abstract notification

Key symposium objectives are to:
Review and share global epidemiological trends on rotavirus diarrhoea
Share progress and experiences on rotavirus vaccine introduction, impact and safety monitoring in African countries
Enable networking for research, academia and career growth among rotavirus researchers and program implementers
Review and shape agenda for research /surveillance on other diarrhoea pathogens